User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Error messages
The InTouch DX displays various error messages to help you perform transactions
and diagnose problems.
Some of the error messages contain a message number, with the prefix “NGT.” A
portion of these messages may also include a failure code, as in the following
Schedule violation [NGT 05-1 ({failureCode})]
When you call your Kronos Representative for support, refer to the message
number and failure code.
Note: Different error messages can have the same message number. In addition,
identical error messages can appear in different contexts.
Some error messages contain “{n},” where n represents dynamic content, such as
a number or word. The system dynamically inserts the content of {n} into the
string, as required by the device transaction. See the following examples:
Field precision is {n} [NGT 94-20]
Maximum value is {n} [NGT 96-1]
Exact length is {n} [NGT 96-3]
This section includes some of the more common error messages and how to
address them.
Error reading badge data [NGT 01-1]
The device detected a badge swipe, but it could not interpret the data correctly.
Administrators: Depending on the type of reader, run one of the following tests:
Integrated Badge (see “Integrated Badge” on page 132)
Remote Badge (see “Remote Badge” on page 134)