User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Error messages
Unrecognized badge format [NGT 02-1]
The device can decode the data on the badge, but the bar code does not match any
of the associated formats.
Administrators: Use the Bar Code Symbology setting to specify the appropriate
types of bar codes that employee badges use (see “Bar Code Symbology” on page
Punch rejected [NGT 04-1 ({failureCode})]
The time that has elapsed since the last punch is less than the required minimum
time between punches.
Last punch invalid [NGT 04-2 ({failureCode})]
The date and time of the last punch is in the future, so the system cannot perform
schedule enforcement.
Schedule violation [NGT 05-1 ({failureCode})]
The schedule enforcement logic rejects the employee’s punch. The failure codes
provide details about addressing these violations:
101—You are attempting to punch too soon after your previous punch. Wait
until the repunch interval passes, and then punch again.
Administrators: The Restrict Punch Interval defines the amount of time that
must elapse before an employee can repunch. To configure this parameter,
access the Device Configuration page, and select Transaction Settings.
102—The host application has not downloaded the punch interpretation rule
that you are assigned to.
Administrators: Use the device configuration settings to download the
appropriate punch interpretation rule to the device.
104—A previous punch has a future date and time stamp, so the system
cannot accept another punch until after the date and time of your previous