User's Guide

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Biometric transactions: Kronos Touch ID Plus
The results pages vary, depending on the enrollment score: Good, Fair, or Poor.
Good Enrollment
After a few seconds, the confirmation screen times out.
Fair Enrollment
Do one of the following:
•Tap Retry. Return to step 1. Re-scan the same finger, and try to achieve a
Good enrollment.
•Tap Change Finger. Return to step 1 and select a different finger.
If you have tried enrolling each finger, without achieving a Good Enrollment,
tap Accept Best. Go to “Confirm finger scan.”
Poor Enrollment
Note: A low Quality score might indicate that your finger is too dry. Moisten it
using the PreScan® fingertip enhancer pad.
Do one of the following:
•Tap Retry. Return to step 1. Re-scan the same finger, and try to achieve a
Good enrollment.
•Tap Change Finger. Return to step 1 and select a different finger.
If you have tried enrolling each finger, without achieving a Good Enrollment,
tap Accept Best.
If you tap Continue, and thereby accept a Poor enrollment, you can use only
biometric verification or biometric identification with badge ID at the timeclock.
That is, you must first swipe a badge or enter a badge ID before scanning the
finger that you enrolled. Go to “Confirm finger scan.”
For more information, see “Biometric identification with badge ID.”