Krud KutterĀ®
Metal Clean & Etch
North America MSDS 6/8
Passenger & Cargo Aircraft Packing Instructions: 819
Passenger & Cargo Aircraft Maximum Quantity/Package: 5 Liters
Single packagings are not permitted. The inner packagings must be packed in one of the following outer
packagings with sufficient cushioning/absorbent material so as to prevent movement/leakage. The
maximum quantity must not exceeded. Inner packagings: glass earthenware, plastic, metal (not
aluminum), or glass ampoule.
Outer Packaging: Steel packagings must be corrosion-resistant or with protection against corrosion.
Glass or earthenware inner packagings and glass ampoules must be packaged with absorbent material in
tightly closed metal or rigid plastic receptacles in outer packagings. Glass or earthenware inner
packagings and glass ampoules are permitted if this item is free from hydrofluoric acid.
Outer Packaging: Drums: Steel (1A2), aluminum (1B2), plywood (1D), fiber (1G), plastic (1H2).
Jerricans: Steel (4A), Aluminum (4B), Plastic (3H2);
Boxes: UN Certified Box, Steel (4A), aluminum (3B2), wood (4C1,4C2), plywood (4D), reconstituted
wood (5F), fiber board (4G) and plastic (4H1, 4H2).
Cargo Aircraft Only Package Instruction: 821
Cargo Aircraft Only Maximum Quantity/Package: 60 Liters
Combination and single packagings are permitted. The inner packagings must be packed in one of the
following outer packagings with sufficient cushioning/absorbent material so as to prevent
movement/leakage. Combination packagings: inner packagings: Glass or earthenware, plastic, metal (not
aluminum) or glass ampoule.
Outer packaging: Drums: Steel (1A2), aluminum (1B2), plywood (1D), fiber (1G), plastic (1H2).
Jerricans: Steel (3A2), aluminum (3B2), plastic (1H2);
Boxes: UN Certified Box, steel(4A), aluminum (4B), wood (4C1,4C2), plywood (4D), reconstituted
wood (4F), fiber board (4G) and plastic (4H1, 4H2).
Special Provisions: A3
ERG Code: 8L
Packages over 5.0 Liters (1.3 Gallons):
UN-Number: 1805
Proper Shipping Name: Phosphoric Acid Solution
Class: 8
Packaging Group: III
Emergency Response Guide Number: 154
Limited Quantities Exception:
Dangerous Goods in limited quantities of Class 8.
Limited quantities must be packed in combination packaging. The inner packaging must be within the
quantity limit specified in the Dangerous Goods List (DGL) for the substance being prepared for
shipment and be packaged in suitable outer packaging (i.e. UN certified box). The gross mass of the
package must not exceed 30 kilograms (66 pounds).
For over 30 kilograms (66 pounds):
UN-Number: 1805
Proper Shipping Name: Phosphoric Acid Solution
Class: 8
Packaging Group: III
EMS No: F-A, S-B
Special Provision: 223
Packing Instructions: P001, LP01