Instruction manual

Console Port
This port is a 9-pin male D-sub connector. It serves as an RS-232 DTE port.
Refer to Chapter xx for the console operation. The pin definitions are:
Pin2 RXD
Pin 3 TXD
Pin 4 DTR
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 DSR
UTP Port
This is an auto-negotiation 10/100BASE-TX LAN port and provides a
shielded RJ-45 jack with MDI definition. This port must connect to your
TCP/IP network for all in-band management operations.
LED Indicators Color States Interpretation
P1 Green On Power 1 module is ON
P2 Green On Power 2 module is ON
DIAG Green On CPU initialization
Off Initialization complete
FAN Green On Fan failure detected
Off Fan in normal operation
CONSOLE Green On Rx activities of console port
LNK/ACT Green On LAN port link is active
Green Blink Tx/Rx activities of UTP port