Instruction manual

5.2 SNMP Private MIB
Use the SNMP management application software to compile the MIB file
first before performing any management operation. In addition to stan-
dard MIB-II (RFC1213), the system supports private MIB as below:
Private MIB Objects Get Remark
ssPowerStatus(kti.30.1.1) Y Power 1&2 status
ssFanStatus(kti.30.1.2) Y System fan status
cputype(kti.30.2.1) Y ARM7
flashrom(kti.30.2.2) Y 512KB
memsize(kti.30.2.3) Y 2MB
softwarever(kti.30.2.4) Y 1.xx
mibFileVer(kti.30.2.5) Y 1.xx
portNumber(kti.30.3.1) Y Total number of slots
portTable(kti.30.3.2) -
portEntry(1) -
slotIndex(1) Y Slot ID 1 - 16
slotIndexDescription(2) Y Slot1 - Slot16
slotModuleDescription(3) Y
slotModuleType(4) Y
sotModuleStatus_PortA_Media(5) Y Port A media type
slotModuleStatus_PortA_LineSpeed(6) Y Port A line Speed
slotModuleStatus_PortA_Duplex(7) Y Port A duplex mode
slotModuleStatus_PortA_LinkStatus(8) Y Port A Link status
slotModuleStatus_PortB_Media(9) Y Port B media type
slotModuleStatus_PortB_LineSpeed(10) Y Port B line speed
slotModuleStatus_PortB_Duplex(11) Y Port B duplex mode
slotModuleStatus_PortB_LinkStatus(12) Y Port B link status
slotModuleStatus_RTP_LinkStatus(13) * Y Remote MC link status
Note: Port A : the upper port of the MC, Port B : the lower port of the MC
Refer to MIB file, KC1300-Vx.xx.mib for the details. This file can be used
for MIB compiler.