Installation guide

2.9 LED Indication
LED Function State Interpretation
PWR Power status ON The power is supplied to the unit.
OFF The power is not supplied to the unit.
LTP Local TP status ON Local TP port status displayed on TPxxx LEDs
OFF Remote TP port status displayed on TPxxx LEDs
Blink Fail to display remote TP port status
Remark: 1. LTP is always ON if remote TP status auto-report function is disabled.
2. When remote TP status auto-report function is enabled, LTP is ON and
OFF for ten seconds respectively.
LBT Loopback Test Blink Loopback Test in operation
ON Loopback Test Result is displayed on LBR LED.
OFF Loopback Test stops
Remark: 1. LBT blinks to indicate loopback test in operation.
2. LBT is ON for 10 seconds to indicate a test result is displayed on LBR.
LBR Loop Back TestResult ON Loopback Test OK
Blink Loopback Test failed
Remark: 1. LBR display is valid only when LBT is ON.
2. LBR is displayed for 10 seconds to indicate a loopback test result.
FXLNK FX port link status ON A 1000M link is established on FX port. (No traffic)
Blink Port link is up and there is traffic.
OFF FX port link is down.
TP1G TP 1000M link status ON A 1000M link is established on TP port.
OFF TP port link is down.
TP100 TP 100M link status ON A 100M link is established on TP port.
OFF TP port link is down.
TP10 TP 10M link status ON A 10M link is established on TP port.
OFF TP port link is down.
TPFDX TP duplex status ON Full duplex on TP port
OFF Half duplex on TP port