User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Edit Mode
Crossfade and Crossfade Sense (XFadeSense)
e Crossfade parameter lets you select a control source to fade the current layers amplitude
from zero to maximum. When XFadeSense is Normal, the layer is at full amplitude when
the Crossfade control is at minimum. With XFadeSense set to Reverse, the layer is at zero
amplitude when the Crossfade control is at minimum.
is parameter is similar to the Src1 and Depth parameters for the Amp function on the
DSPCTL and DSPMOD pages, but the attenuation curve for the Crossfade parameter is
optimized specically for crossfades.
To crossfade two layers in the same program, assign the same control source for the
CrossFade parameters in both layers, then set one of their XFadeSense parameters to a value
of Norm, and the others to Rvrs.
Drum Remap
e Drum Remap parameter should generally not be changed. is parameter lets the Forte
SE know how drum programs are mapped so that drum sounds can be properly remapped
when using the General MIDI (GM) drum map (see below). Kurz1 designates that the
current drum program was originally a PC2 program, and that it uses the PC2 drum map.
Kurz2 designates that the current drum kit uses a Forte SE drum map (all factory drum
programs use this map). e Kurz2 map is similar to that of the PC2, except tom-tom
sounds have been moved into octave C3-C4, so they are more easily playable with the
main kick and snare drum sounds in that octave. When editing a kit, make sure to follow
the layout of the drum map being used if you want to be able to properly remap the kit to
the GM drum map. Programs that have the Drum Remap parameter set to O will not be
viewed by the Forte SE as drum programs and will not be aected when remapping to the
GM drum map.
In most keyboards and synthesizers, drum programs are mapped as dictated by the General
MIDI (GM) industry standard. e GM drum map isnt optimally intuitive in terms of
playability, so we developed our own unique keymap that is more intuitive and lends better
to performance. However, the GM drum map is so commonplace that many players feel
most comfortable playing drum programs with the GM drum map. So, we designed the
Forte SE such that you can remap drum programs to the GM drum map. You can set drum
programs to remap to the GM drum map in Global Mode. On the Global Mode MAPS
page set the drum remap parameter to GM. To return drum programs to their original maps,
set this parameter to None. See Drum Remap on page 7-43 in the Global Mode chapter for
more information.