User's Manual

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Program Edit Mode
The Amplitude Envelope (AMPENV) Page
Parameter Group Parameter Range of Values
Attack Segment 1, 2, 3
Time 0 to 60 seconds
Level 0 to 100%
Decay Segment
Time 0 to 60 seconds
Level 0 to 100%
Release Segment 1, 2, 3
Time 0 to 60 seconds
0 to 150% (Release Segment
3 is always set to 0%)
Type Off, Forward, Bidirectional
# of loops Innite, 1 to 31 times
Attack Segment Times
ese indicate how long it takes for the current layer’s amplitude to reach its nal level from
its starting level.
Attack Segment Levels
ese are the nal levels that each segment achieves at completion. e levels are expressed
as percentages of the maximum possible amplitude for the current layer. Attack segment 1
always starts at zero amplitude, and moves to its assigned level in the time specied by its
time value. So the default settings of 0 seconds and 100% mean that the rst segment of the
attack section moves instantly from zero amplitude to 100% amplitude. Increase the time of
Attack segment 1 if you want the sound to ramp up more slowly.
Attack segments 2 and 3 aect the sound only when you set a nonzero value for time. ey
will then move to their assigned levels in the time specied. eir starting levels are equal to
the nal levels of the preceding segment.
Decay Segment
e decay section has only one segment. It has values for time and level, just as for the attack
section. e decay section begins as soon as the attack section has been completed. It starts
at the same amplitude level as the attack segment preceding it, and moves to its assigned
level in the time specied. You’ll hear a notes decay section only when the attack section is
completed before a Note O message is generated for that note.
To create a sustaining envelope, simply set the Decay segment’s level to a nonzero value.