User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Edit Mode
The Arpeggiator Function
navigation buttons to move between pattern steps, use the Alpha Wheel, alphanumeric pad,
or Previous-/Next+ buttons to enter the note shift amount for each step. Press More to see a
second page for patterns with more than 24 steps.
Press Delete to delete the pattern from memory. Press Rename to rename the pattern and
save. Pressing Save gives you the option to save the pattern or rename and save. To create a
new Duration pattern, edit an existing pattern and choose Rename when saving. Press the
Exit button to return to the ARP2 page. Your pattern will be available in the Duration Patt
Editing Patterns in StepSeq Mode
When the ARP1 Arp Mode parameter is set to StepSeq, the ARP2 page becomes a Step
Sequence editor. In this mode, the ARP2 page will give you the ability to create a unique
Arpeggiator pattern step-by-step. Use the navigation buttons to select each Step and Step
parameter (Note, Velo, Dura and Beat). Use the Alpha Wheel, alphanumeric pad, or plus/
minus buttons to change the value of each parameter. Use the soft buttons to Remove, Insert,
or Add Steps.
Note values create the shift pattern for the Step sequence. e note number of each played
key is shifted according this value. Note values can range from -128 to +127, with negative
numbers shifting below the played note.
Velocity values shift each steps velocity up or down from the last note played or received.
Values range from -127 to +127 (with 0 representing the origin value).
Duration is specied in cents, from 0-100, as a percentage of the specied Beat.
Beats sets the pattern rhythm, using fractions of the Beat rate set by the Tempo parameter. A
Beat to 1/4 will be a quarter note based on the clock Tempo.
To nd a Beats value, multiply the notes you want per beat by 4. For example, 4 notes per
beat (16th notes) would be 4*4=16, a Beats value of 1/16. ree notes per beat (8th note
triplets) would be 3*4=12, a Beats value of 1/12. Six notes per beat (16th note triplets)
would be 6*4=24, a Beats value of 1/24.