User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Edit Mode
KB3 Editor: The Program FX (FX) Page
KB3 Editor: The Program FX (FX) Page
is page is the same as the VAST Program editor FX page (see page 7-14) except for one
important dierence: there is no Pre/Post insert parameter for the auxiliary sends.
KB3 Editor: The COMMON Page
e COMMON page contains an assortment of control parameters, including Leslie speed
control and vibrato/chorus selection.
Parameter Range of Values
Preamp/Expression Response Off, On
Leakage -96.0 to -20.5 dB, in 0.5-dB increments
Leak Mode None, Type A, Type X, Type Y, Type Z, Type R
Speed Control Slow, Fast
Vibrato/Chorus Control Off, On
Vibrato/Chorus Type Selection Vib1, Vib2, Vib3, Chor1, Chor2, Chor3
Volume Adjust -96 to 0 dB
Bend Range Up ± 7200 cents
Bend Range Down ± 7200 cents
Sustain Off, On
Sostenuto Off, On
Leslie Pedal None, Sustain, Sost, Soft