User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Edit Mode
KB3 Editor: The KEYCLICK Page
Sets the basic decay time of the noise envelope. Smaller values produce a shorter burst.
Controls the degree to which key velocity aects the key click volume. A value of zero means
that the key velocity has no eect on the key click volume (which is like a real tone wheel
organ). Other values add volume as the velocity increases.
Sets the basic pitch of the key click noise, relative to the highest tonewheel’s pitch. e pitch
is controlled by a steep lowpass lter applied to white noise. e lter’s cut o frequency
is controlled relative to key number, higher keys move the cuto frequency up, lower keys
move the cuto frequency down.
Controls the degree to which a random amount of amplitude variation is added to the key
is parameter lets you set the volume level below which key click must decay before it will
be retriggered.
Note Attack
Controls the attack characteristic of notes. Normal provides a smoothed attack, while a
setting of Hard has an instant attack and will produce an audible click, in addition to any
amount of key click specied with the other parameters on this page (you might prefer not to
specify any additional key click when you use this setting). PercHard sets a hard attack level
for percussion only; notes without percussion use a normal attack.
Note Release
Controls the release characteristic of notes. A setting of Normal has a smoothed release,
while a setting of Hard has an instant release. Hard will produce an audible click.