User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The Effects Chain Editor
The MOD Pages
Like all other representations of signal paths in the Forte SE display, the program signal
moves from left to right through the Chain. Use the cursor buttons to select an eect-box
or empty spot in the Chain. e eect loaded into the selected eect-box can be changed
by numeric entry, with the Alpha Wheel, or with the +/– buttons; and can be changed with
either the eect-box or the Eect eld at the bottom of the page highlighted. e +/- double
button press will jump to the next eect “category.
Pressing the Insert soft button adds a new eect-box to the Chain in the currently selected
block-slot, and pushes the currently selected eect-box down the Chain to the right. (If you
have run out of DSP units, you will not be able to create additional eects boxes.) Pressing
the Remove soft button takes the currently selected eect out of the Chain.
Editing Effect-boxes
To edit the parameters of an eect, select its eect-box on the MAIN page and press the Edit
button. For each eect, there are one or more pages of parameters that are specic to that
eect. See Effects Parameters on page 8-5 for details on parameters for each type of eect.
Any parameter controlled by an eect Mod will display a value of FxMod and cannot be
edited. To return to the MAIN page of the chain editor, press the Exit button.
The MOD Pages
ere are six pages for conguring eects mods: MOD1 - MOD6. All pages are essentially
identical in appearance and function. See below for an example MOD page:
e Box parameter species which eect-box in the Chain to which the Mod will be applied.
e Param parameter selects which parameter of the specied boxs eect will be modulated.
e Adjust parameter sets a xed value for the specied parameter (Param) that is applied
before any modulation.