User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The Effects Chain Editor
Effects Parameters
ResH/LPhs sets the relative phases of the high and low resonators. e angle value in degrees
is somewhat arbitrary and you can expect the eect of this parameter to be rather subtle. e
range is 0 to 360.0 degrees.
Mic Angle is the angle of the virtual microphones in degrees from the “front” of the rotating
speaker. For the left microphone the angle increases clockwise (when viewed from the top),
while for the right microphone the angle increases counter-clockwise. Assigning a MOD to
this parameter should be done with caution: real-time adjustments to it will result in large
sample skips, which will cause clicks in the signal passing through. e range is 0 to 360.0
degrees. (In Distort + Rotary only.)
e following parameters relate to rotation speed:
Speed sets the rotating speakers to run at either the slow rate or the fast rate. Brake, when set
to “On”, slows the rotating speakers to a halt.
Lo Mode, in the “Normal” setting, will give you full control of the low frequency speaker
with the Speed parameter. e “NoAccel” setting will hold the low frequency speaker at the
slow speed, and the Speed parameter will have no eect on its speed, though Brake will still
work. In the “Stopped” position, the low frequency speaker will not spin at all.
Lo Slow and Hi Slow are the rotation rates in hertz (Hz) of the speakers when Speed is set to
Lo Fast and Hi Fast are the rotation rate in hertz (Hz) of the speakers when Speed is set to
“Fast.” LoSlow>Fst and HiSlow>Fst are the times for the speakers to accelerate from the slow
speed to LoFst>Slow and HiFst>Slow are the times for the speaker to decelerate from the fast
speed to the slow speed.
LoAccelCrv and HiAccelCrv are the shapes of the acceleration curves for the speakers. 0%
is a constant acceleration. Positive values cause the speaker to speed up slowly at rst then
quickly reach the fast rate. Negative values cause a quick initial speed-up then slowly settle in
to the fast speed. If set to a low negative value, it will overshoot.
LoSpinDir and HiSpinDir are the directions of rotation of the speakers. e choice is
clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW).
e Vibrato/Chorus eect simulates the vibrato and chorus eects on a tone wheel organ,
and is used in conjunction with the Rotary Speaker. It has several unique parameters:
VibChInOut is an in/out switch for the Vibrato/Chorus eect.
Vib/Chor is the type of Vibrato/Chorus eect to be used. e choices are from three
vibratos, “V1”, “V2”, “V3”, or three choruses, “C1”, “C2”, “C3.