User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Multi Edit Mode
CCTLS (CCs/Continuous Controllers) Page
name will be listed in the Destination list to the right of the CC number. Some CC numbers
also show a default MIDI name if the CC number is not assigned in the Zones program.
For example, CC 6 is generally unassigned in programs, in which case CC 6 will show the
standard MIDI name “data.
e Destination parameter determines the MIDI CC controller number that a physical
controller will send to the Program in the currently selected Zone. By default, these CC
messages are also sent to the MIDI Out and USB ports on the Channel of that Zone.
e list of CC controller numbers below (see page 11-21) shows the default assignments for
each destination. Programs respond to some of these CCs for standard MIDI functions like
volume and panning. Other external MIDI gear (sound modules, computer software) may
respond to standard MIDI CC messages as well. Standard MIDI CC’s range from 0-127
and can be received by the Forte SE from external devices, while destinations 128-146 are
internal to the Forte SE only.
After youve selected a continuous physical controller, you can modify the controllers
response in a similar way that you can modify velocity response.
Scale lets you amplify or diminish the action of the controller. Full scale is 100%. Higher
values will make the controller more sensitive, and lower values will make it less so. Setting
the scale to a negative number makes the controller action work in reverse. As with velocity,
you can use a controller to crossfade between two zones by setting the scaling for one zone
positive and the other negative. Maximum scale values are +300% and -300%.
is adds or subtracts a constant to the controller, and at the same time sets minimum or
maximum values. If Add is 25, the minimum value of the controller will be 25. If it is -25
(and scale is 100%) the rst one-fth of the controllers movement (25/127 ≈ 1/5) will send a
value of 0, and the maximum value of the controller will be 102 (= 127-25). As with velocity,
Scale is a proportional change to the controller, while Add is a linear change. e values for
Add range from -128 to 127.
e Curve parameter lets you taper the velocity response. e default setting is Linear,
which means that the output velocity changes directly proportionally to the played velocity.
Expand produces a curve that is less steep than the linear curve at keystrike velocities below
64, and steeper than the linear curve at keystrike velocities above 64. In other words, when
youre playing softly, you’ll notice velocity dierences less than with a linear curve, while
when youre playing hard, you’ll notice velocity dierences more.
Compress produces a velocity curve that is the opposite of the expanded curve—that is,
you’ll notice velocity dierences more when youre playing softly than when youre playing