User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Multi Edit Mode
The Controller Destination List
153 ArpLimit
The 60 Arpeggiator Shift Limit steps are scaled over the 128 MIDI controller values,
so that 0 = 0 steps and 127 = 60 steps. (See ShiftLimit on page 7-61)
154 ArpLmtOp
Arpeggiator Shift Limit Option, each range of values selects one of seven options in
order of parameters list: 0-18, 19-36, 37-54, 55-72, 73-90, 91-108, 109-127. (See
LimitOpt (Limit Option) on page 7-59)
155 ArpVel
Arpeggiator Velocity Mode, each range of values selects one of twenty-three
options in order of parameters list: 0-5, 6-10, 11-15...101-105, 106-110, 111-127.
(See Velocity Mode on page 7-64).
156 Arp Dur
The Arpeggiator Duration % values are scaled over the 128 MIDI controller values,
so that 0 = 1% and 127 = 100%. (See Duration on page 7-67)
157 Latch
To control the Arpeggiator Latch switch, 0-63 = off, 64-127 = on. (See Latch on page
158 Latch2: To control the Arpeggiator Latch2 switch, 0-63 = off, 64-127 = on.
159 ArpGliss
Arpeggiator Gliss, 0-63 = off, 64-127 = on. When Arp Gliss is On, the Arpeggia-
tor plays chromatically between inputted notes, and ignores the Arpeggiator Shift
Amount, Shift Limit, and Limit Option parameters.
160 SusLatch For Arpeggiator Latch Pedals mode, 0-63 = off, 64-127 = on.
161 Panic
Sends an “all notes off” message and an “reset all controllers” message on all 16
MIDI channels.
162 SoloZn
Solo Zone - Values above 64 will solo the zone that sends values to this destination,
values below or equal to 64 will unsolo the zone. While a Zone is soloed, pressing
another Zone button will make that Zone the soloed zone. Pressing a soloed zone
button again will cancel solo mode. To return to Solo mode the original controller
assigned to Solo Zone (162) will need to be re-engaged.
168 TapTempo
Assign this to a switch to control the tap tempo function, then tap the switch in time
to set the Multi tempo.
170 -Arp Shift
Sets ARPEGGIATOR values for Shift to negative. 0-63 = off, 64-127 = on. (See
Shift (Shift Amount) on page 7-62)
171 ShiftPatt
Selects one of the 128 patterns in the current ARPEGGIATOR ShiftPatt Bank. (See
Shift Pattern (ShiftPatt) on page 7-62)
172 ShiftPBank
A controller value selects the corresponding ShiftPatt Bank for the ARPEGGIATOR
page of a controllers zone. For example, controller value 2 selects ShiftPatt bank 2,
controller value 7 selects ShiftPatt bank 7.
173 VelPatt
Selects one of the 128 patterns in the current ARPEGGIATOR VelPatt Bank. (See
VelocityPat on page 7-66)
174 VelPBank
A controller value selects the corresponding VelPatt Bank for the ARPEGGIATOR
page of a controllers zone. For example, controller value 2 selects VelPatt bank 2,
controller value 7 selects VelPatt bank 7.
175 VelFixed
Set’s arpeggiator velocity when ARPEGGIATOR Velocity Mode is set to Fixed. (see
Velocity Mode on page 7-64)
176 ShKeyNum Shift Key Number (see below)
177 ShiftKey Shift Key (see below)
178 ShKeyNuV
Same as 176 ShKeyNum, but the Shift Pattern’s velocity will be modified by the
current velocity pattern of the zone.
180 Chan Intonation Selects the Intonation Map (IDs 0-127) in a MIDI channel in real time.
181 Chan Int Key Selects the Intonation Key (C through B) in a MIDI channel in real time.