User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Song Mode and the Song Editor
Song Mode: The METRONOME Page
Song Mode: The Filter Pages (RECFLT and PLYFLT)
On the RECFLT and PLYFLT pages you can specify what event are ignored during, respectively,
recording and playback. Both pages have the same parameters with the same ranges of values,
but you would use the RECFLT page to congure recording event-ltering, and the PLYFLT page
to congure playback event-ltering. Below is the RECFLT page.
Parameter Range of Values Default
Note Filter
Notes On, Off On
Low Key C -1 to G 9 C -1
Hi Key C -1 to G 9 G 9
Low Velocity 0 to 127 0
Hi Velocity 0 to 127 127
Controller Filter
Controllers On, Off On
Controller ALL, MIDI Control Source List ALL
Low Value 0 to 127 0
Hi Value 0 to 127 127
Pitch Bend On, Off On
Program Change On, Off On
Mono Pressure On, Off On
Poly Pressure On, Off On
With Notes set to O, all notes are ignored during recording/playback. With Notes set to On,
only the notes within the specied note range with velocities within specied velocity range are
LoKey and Hi
LoKey determines the lowest key that is recorded/played back when Notes is set to On. The Hi
to the right of LoKey determines the highest key that is recorded/played back when Notes is set
to On.
LoVel and Hi
LoVel determines the lowest note on/o velocity that is recorded/played back when Notes is set
to On.
The Hi to the right of LoVel determines the highest note on/o velocity that is recorded/
played back when Notes is set to On.