User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Song Mode and the Song Editor
Song Editor: The TRACK Page
Region/Criteria Box Parameters
From and To
From and To are available in most TRACK edit functions to dene a range of time on the selected
The From value denes the rst bar, beat, and tick in a range of time selected for editing. The To
value denes the nal bar, beat, and tick in a range of time selected for editing.
Any and all types of MIDI events are available for editing, selectable in this parameter. Some
events will provide you with settings for a range of values, or other MIDI event specic criteria.
Available Values are: All, Notes, Controllers, MonoPress, PitchBend, ProgChange, PolyPress.
When Events is set to ALL, all MIDI events on the track(s) you are editing, that occur in the
region of time between the From and To settings, will be aected by the edit function.
When Events is set to Notes, note number and velocity ranges can be set for Note events.
Determines the lowest note in a range of notes to be aected. This can be set to any MIDI
note value; the default is C-1.
High Key (Hi)
Determines the highest note in a range of notes to be aected. This can be set to any MIDI
note value; the default is G9.
An attack velocity range can be specied as criteria for selecting Note events for editing.
The LoVel parameter sets the lowest velocity a Note needs to have in order to be edited.
Notes on the selected track(s) with a attack velocities lower than the LoVel will not be
aected by the edit. The available values are 1–127; the default is 1.
High Velocity (Hi)
The Hi parameter sets the highest attack velocity a Note needs to have in order to be
edited. Notes on the selected track(s) with attack velocities higher than the value of Hi
are not aected by the edit. The available values are 1127; the default is 127.
When Events is set to Controller, the Controller(s) and a Controller value range can be set for
Controller events.
The Controller parameter selects the Controller (if any) or all Controllers to be aected.
You may further specify a particular range of values to edit by setting a high and low
value. LoVal will dene the lowest modiable value in the selected controller’s recorded
data. Value ranges are not denable when Ctl is set to All. Available Values are 0127.
High Value (Hi)
Hi denes the highest modiable value in the selected controller’s recorded data. Value
ranges are not denable when Ctl is set to All. Available Values are 0127.