User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Song Mode and the Song Editor
Song Editor: Track Functions
DstTrack: 1 to 16
Select a destination track for the events to be moved to with the DstTrack parameter. All selected
events described in the Region/Criteria box will be placed in the destination track at the data’s
original location.
No matter what channel the current track (source track) is set to when you use the bounce
function, the events will be placed on the destination track’s channel.
Mode: Merge/Erase
The Mode setting determines whether the bounced events merge with, or erase existing events
on the destination track from the location point to the end of the copied region.
The Insert function is used to add blank time to the current song, modifying the song’s End point
appropriately. The Insert function will aect all tracks. This is similar to splicing a piece of blank
tape to an existing segment of recording tape.
Location: Bars : Beats : Ticks
The insertion point for the blank time being added is selected as a Bar and Beat Location value.
Events that occurred at or after this Bar and Beat, before you insert time, are not erased when you
perform this function, rather they are oset by the length of the blank time being added to a Bar
and Beat later in the song.
Amount: Bars : Beats : Ticks
The length of the blank time being added is dened as a number of Bars and Beats in the Amount
There are no Region/Criteria parameters available for the Insert function.