User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Mode
Controller Parameter Assignments
Press the Transpose - or + buttons to transpose the Forte SE keyboard down or up by one
semitone. e top line of the display shows the current transposition value. Pressing both
Transpose - and + simultaneously will reset the transposition to 0. To transpose up and down
by octave intervals (12 ST), press the Octav- and Octav+ soft buttons underneath the display.
e maximum transposition value possible is +/–36 semitones.
e LEDs of the Transpose buttons indicate whether the current Program is transposed up
(Transpose + LED is lit) or transposed down (Transpose – LED is lit). When there is no
transposition, neither Transpose button is lit.
Controller Parameter Assignments
In Program Mode, each Program has factory-set Program and Eect parameters assigned
to physical controllers (Sliders, Switch buttons, Mod Wheel, and Pedals). A controller
parameter assignment can modify an instrument sound during a performance to add
variation or expression. Moving a controller changes the value of the parameter. Any time
you do this, the display shows the assigned parameter and value.
Front panel labels show the typical controller assignments, but these may vary with dierent
Programs. e Variation button often enables an eect or additional Program layer.
If you make changes to the current Program using any of the controllers, the Save buttons
LED lights to indicate that a change has been made to that Program. For more information
on the Save button, see Save User Programs on page 6-14. See Chapter 7 for details on
changing parameter controller assignments.