User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Edit Mode
The Parameters (PARAMS) Page
Use the navigation buttons to move up and down in the list. To quickly nd a parameter that
is already assigned to a controller, select the parameter column, hold the Enter button and
move a controller to jump to it’s assigned parameter. See "The Parameter Edit Page" section
below for details on editing parameter names.
e Control (middle) column determines which physical controller (or external MIDI CC
number) will control the parameter in the selected row. To quickly assign one of the Forte
SE’s physical controllers to a parameter, select the control column in the row of the desired
parameter, hold the Enter button and move the desired controller. Alternatively, you can
use the Alpha Wheel or the Value buttons to select a controller from the list, or type in the
controllers MIDI number followed by the Enter button. See below for a list of Forte SE
physical controllers and their associated MIDI numbers.
If you want to disable the controller for a parameter, you can select a value of None by
scrolling to the bottom of the controller list (using the Alpha Wheel or the Value buttons), or
type -1 followed by the Enter button.
To choose an external MIDI CC number as a control source, you can enter the number of
the controller followed by the Enter button, or use the Alpha Wheel or the Value buttons.
e Forte SE’s physical controllers each use one of the available MIDI CC numbers, so you
must choose one of the other available CC numbers when using an external MIDI control
source or else the parameter will also be controlled by a Forte SE physical controller. e list
below shows the available choices for the Control column. MIDI CC numbers associated
with the Forte SE’s physical controllers are highlighted in bold type.
None Slider E (MIDI 24) Switch 1 (MIDI 80)
MIDI 0 Slider F (MIDI 25) Switch 2 (MIDI 81
Mod Wheel (MIDI 1) Slider G (MIDI 26) Switch 3 (MIDI 82)
MIDI 2 to MIDI 10 Slider H (MIDI 27) Switch 4 (MIDI 83)
MIDI 5 to MIDI 10 Slider I (MIDI 28) MIDI 84
CC Pedal (MIDI 11) Variation (MIDI 29) Switch 5 (MIDI 85)
Slider A (MIDI 12) MIDI 30 to MIDI 63 Switch 6 (MIDI 86)
Slider B (MIDI 13) Sw. Pedal 1a (MIDI 64) Switch 7 (MIDI 87)
MIDI 14 to MIDI 21 MIDI 65 MIDI 88
Slider C (MIDI 22) Sw. Pedal 2a (MIDI 66) Switch 8 (MIDI 89)
Slider D (MIDI 23) Sw. Pedal 2b (MIDI 67) Switch 9 (MIDI 90)
MIDI 68 to MIDI 79 MIDI 91 to MIDI 127