User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Program Edit Mode
All of the Layer-Specic FX mode parameters have the same functions and ranges of values
as their corresponding parameters on the FX page. See The Program FX (FX) Page on page
7-14 for more information on these parameters.
Use Another Layers FX Mode
With Use Another Layers FX selected, you can put the current layer through the eects of
another layer. You can specify the layer through whose eects you wish to put the current
e COMMON page is reached by pressing the COMMON soft button in the Program
Editor. Heres where you nd 12 frequently-used parameters that aect the entire current
program, not just the current layer.
Notice that when the Monophonic parameter is set to its default value of O, the ve
monophonic parameters do not appear on the page.
Parameter Range of Values Default
Pitch Bend Range Up ± 7200 cents 200
Pitch Bend Range Down ± 7200 cents -200
Monophonic Off, On Off
(Legato Play) Off, On Off
(Portamento) Off, On Off
(Portamento Rate) 1 to 3000 keys per second 70
(Attack Portamento) Off, On On
(Mono Sample XFade) Off, On Off
Globals Off, On Off
Output Gain -96 to 24 decibels 0
Intonation Map (Int Map) Intonation Map list 0 None
Intonation Key (IKey) A-G C