
Tutorial: Song Mode
2. To hear the metronome play your tempo, use the right more button to find and then press the BIG
soft button. This brings you to the Song:Big Time page. On the Song:Big Time page, set the
Metron parameter to Always (see below.) Make sure the PC3LE’s main volume is set at a
moderate level, then press the Play/Pause button to hear the metronome play the selected tempo.
3. Press the BIG soft button again to return to the Song mode MAIN page (the MAIN soft button also
works for this, but using the BIG soft button is quicker.) Now you can adjust the Tempo parameter
and press the Play/Pause button to hear the metronome play the tempo. For this example we will
leave our previous Tempo setting of 100.0.
4. Once you are happy with the tempo, press the BIG soft button to return to the Song:Big Time page.
Set the Metron parameter back to Rec so that you will only hear the metronome during recording
(see below.) When finished, press the BIG soft button again to return to the Song mode MAIN
Part 3: Record Your First Track, Save The Song
1. On the Song mode MAIN page, usetheChan/Zonebuttons(totheleftofthedisplay)to
(seebelow.)Let’s begin by recording to track 1, to which we have assigned a piano program.