
Tutorials: Setup Mode
Switch Between Zones Based On Played Keyboard Velocity
Switch Between Zones Based On Played Keyboard
overoneofitsmostbasicuses.Wewilleditthesetup58 Piano & Pad. The setup 58 Piano
& Pad is
a layered setup that uses piano on Zone 1 and “pad” type synth sounds on Zones 2 and 3. Lets edit this
setup so that the pad sounds on Zones 2 and 3 are only heard when the keyboard is played with a high
velocity (struck hard.) Using Zone velocity ranges in this way allows you to emphasize the dynamics of
your playing, by having more sounds come in as you play louder, and having sounds drop out when you
play more quietly.
1. If you are not already in Setup mode, press the Exit button until you reach the ProgramMode page,
then press the Setup mode button, located with the mode buttons to the left of the display. This will
bring you to the Setup mode main page. Next, press 58 and then Enter on the alphanumeric pad to
select the setup 58 Piano & Pad (see below.) You can also select setups by using the - / + buttons or
Alpha Wheel.
2. With the setup 58 Piano & Pad selected in setup mode, press the Edit button on the front panel.
This will bring you to the CH/PROG page of the setup editor (see below.)
3. From the CH/PROG page press the KEYVEL soft button (see above.) This will bring you to the
KEYVEL page for the current Zone.
Step 3