
Power User Tips
Advanced Tips
Setup Mode
Assign A Zone To Use Pads Only
1. From the Setup mode main page, choose the setup that you wish to edit and press the Edit button to
the left of the display. This will display the Setup Editor.
2. In the Setup Editor, select the zone that you have assigned to be played from the pads by using the
Chan/Zone buttons to the left of the display. The currently selected zone can be viewed in the top
right corner of the display. (For details on assigning pads to a zone, see Pads on page 7-16.)
3. With the desired zone selected, press the KEYVEL soft button at the bottom of the display. This
will bring you to the KEY-VEL page.
4. On the KEY-VEL page, select the LoKey field, then use the Alpha Wheel to turn this value all the
way up to G9. Do the same for the HiKey field if G9 is not already selected. Now this zone should
only play from the pads which you have assigned, and not from the keyboard.
5. Press the Exit button to save the edited setup and return to the Setup mode main page. When
prompted to save the setup, press the Ye s soft button. Next you will be given the choice of choosing
an ID# and renaming the setup if desired. For details see Saving and Naming on page 5-3.