User's Manual

e SPLIT function allows you to play multiple instruments, split between the left and right
hand regions of the keyboard.
Follow these steps to use the SPLIT function:
1. If the SPLIT, LAYER, or DUAL buttons are turned on, you must turn these buttons o
to create a new Split.
2. Select an instrument sound for the right hand of the Split by pressing any of the 4
instrument buttons in any of the 4 categories (PIANO, KEYBOARDS, STRINGS/
3. Press and turn on the SPLIT button.
4. Select an instrument sound for the left hand region of the Split by pressing any of the 4
instrument buttons in an unused category.
5. Use the VOLUME knob in each used category to adjust the volume of each instrument
in the Split.
6. You can change the Split Point (boundary between left and right hand regions of the
keyboard) by holding the SPLIT button for a moment, then pressing a key. e pressed
key will become the highest key of the left hand region.
7. You can save the Split to one of the FAVORITES buttons by turning on the SAVE
button, then pressing one of the FAVORITES buttons.
8. Press and turn o the SPLIT button to exit SPLIT mode.