
Chapter 4
This chapter provides definitions and descriptions for all of the SPS4-specific terms use
in this manual. Note that some of the terms are also used by other manufactures. Since
there are no standard definitions for some of these terms, they are described here to avoid
confusion. All of these terms appear capitalized as proper nouns in this manual to make it
easy to distinguish between the generic term and the SPS4-specific term.
Object Anything that can be named, saved, deleted, or
edited (i.e., a Program or a Setup). See Program Mode 
on page 6-1 and Setup Mode on page 7-1for more
information on Objects.
Program A factory-preset or user-programmed sounds
stored in ROM or ash memory, each with five
parameters that can be changed in real-time with the
control knob. See Program Mode on page 6-1 for more
information on Programs.
Setup A factory-preset or user-programmed MIDI
performance presets consisting of up to 4 Zones,
each with its own keyboard region, Program, MIDI
channel, and controller assignments. See Setup Mode 
on page 7-1 for more information on Setups.
Zone A keyboard region of a Setup that has its own
Program, MIDI channel, and controller assignments.
See Setup Mode on page 7-1 for more information on
Split A division of Zones in a Setup. See The Split Function 
on page 5-4 for more information on Splits.
Layer An overlap of Zones in a Setup. See The Layer 
Function on page 5-4 for more information on Layers.