
Program Mode
The Split Function
Split Program
This parameter determines the Program for the Secondary Voice (left-hand side) of the
Split—the current Program is the Program for the Primary Zone (right-hand side) of the
Split, and is also the default Split Program. Any of the Programs can be chosen for this
Split Volume
This parameter determines the relative volumes of the Secondary and Primary Voices—it
can be set to any number between -127 and 127. By default, the Split Volume is set to 0,
which results in both Voices having the same volume. When set to a positive number, the
volume for the Secondary Voice is increased while the volume for the Primary Voice is
decreased—doing the opposite has the opposite effect on the relative volumes of the Voice.
Split Key
This parameter determines the boundary of the Split—it can be set to any number between
20 (G#0) and 108 (C8). By default, the Split Key is set to 60 (C4, or middle C). The chosen
key is the highest note in the Secondary Voice—one note above this note is the lowest note
in the Primary Voice. In addition to using the Value buttons, you can directly select the Split
Key by holding down the Sound Select H (aka Enter) button and then striking the desired
key on the keyboard.
Split Transposition
This parameter determines the transposition of the Secondary Voice relative to that of
the Primary Voice—it can be set to -24, -12, 0, 12, and 24. By default, Split Transposition
is set to 0. Note that if the Primary Voice is transposed, then the Secondary Voice will be
transposed by the same amount in addition to being transposed by the amount set for the
Split Transposition.