
Setup Mode
For all objects, the currently selected Bank, Group, and Sound are indicated by a lit LED.
The example above (Setup 19) would appear as follows:
Bank Select Button
Pressing the Bank Select button will cycle through the three Object Banks: Bank 1, Bank 2,
and User. The column of LEDs indicates the currently selected Bank. In Setup Mode, Bank
1 contains Setups 0-63 and User Bank contains user-created programs numbered 64-127.
NOTE: A “Bank” is a SPS4-specific term not to be confused with the general “MIDI
Bank”, which contains 128 Objects. When transmitting MIDI Bank Change and MIDI
Program Change messages, always think in terms of “MIDI Banks” rather than “Banks”.
Group Select Buttons
As pictured below, there are eight Group Select buttons. Note that each button corresponds
to a different Group depending on the currently selected bank.
Each bank is divided into eight Groups. Pressing the Group Select button immediately
beneath each Group label will select that Group within the current bank. The LED of the
currently selected Group’s button will be lit.