
Edit Setup Mode
The Parameters of a Setup
The Parameters of a Setup
A Setup has 43 Zone-specific parameters for each of four Zones, and two common
parameters—altogether, there are 174 parameters whose configurations determine the
behavior of the Setup. As you scroll through the list of parameters using the Chan / Param
Up (
) button, the parameters appear in the following order (the parameters of course
appear in the reverse order if you scroll through the list with Chan / Param Down (
List No.
Parameter Range of Values Default Value
Z. 1 Z. 2 Z. 3 Z. 4
1 44 87 130 Local Program Program List 0 Grand Piano
2 45 88 131 Channel 1 to 16 1
3 46 89 132 Destination Local, MIDI,
4 47 90 133 MIDI Bank 0 to 127 Bank of Local
5 48 91 134 MIDI Program 0 to 127 Program Number of
Local Program
6 49 92 135 Bank Mode None, Ctl0, Ctl32,
Ctl0/32, K2600
7 50 93 136 Zone Status Active, Muted Active
8 51 94 137 Entry Program
Off, On On
9 52 95 138 Aux Send Level 0 to 127 20
10 53 96 139 Transpose -128 to 127 ST 0
11 54 97 140 Entry Pan 0 to 127 64
12 55 98 141 Entry Volume 0 to 127 127
13 56 99 142 Low Velocity 1 to 127 1
14 57 100 143 High Velocity 0 to 127 127
15 58 101 144 Low Key C-1 to G9 (none)
16 59 102 145 High Key C-1 to G9 (none)
17 60 103 146 Bend Range Down 0 to 127 ST 12 ST
18 61 104 147 Rend Range Up 0 to 127 ST 12 ST
19 62 105 148 Mod Wheel Destina-
MIDI Destination List (none)
20 63 106 149 Mod Wheel Entry
0 to 127 (none)
21 64 107 150 Mod Wheel Exit Value 0 to 127 (none)
22 65 108 151 Control Knob Func-
tion 1 Destination
MIDI Destination List (none)
23 66 109 152 Control Knob Func-
tion 1 Entry Value
0 to 127 (none)
24 67 110 153 Control Knob Func-
tion 1 Exit Value
0 to 127 (none)
25 68 111 154 Control Knob Func-
tion 2 Destination
MIDI Destination List (none)
26 69 112 155 Control Knob Func-
tion 2 Entry Value
0 to 127 (none)
27 70 113 156 Control Knob Func-
tion 2 Exit Value
0 to 127 (none)
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
43 43 43 43 2