
Edit Setup Mode
The Zone-specic Parameters
Continuous Controller Parameters
The SPS4 has seven continuous controllers:
Mod Slider
Control Knob Function 1
Control Knob Function 2
Control Knob Function 3
Control Knob Function 4
Control Knob Function 5
The CC Pedal
In Edit Setup mode, each of these controllers has the same three parameters:
The Destination parameter determines the MIDI destination for the currently selected
controller in the currently selected Zone. You can select from the following destinations:
0 OFF/Bank By default, when you enter 0 or Clear for the Destination
parameter, the destination will be assigned to OFF. To select
Bank as the destination, use the Value buttons.
1 MWheel Default assignment for Mod Wheel
2 Breath Default assignment for breath controller in compatible synths
3 MIDI 03 MIDI Controller 3
4 Foot Default assignment for continuous foot controller in compatible
5 PortTim Monophonic SPS4 programs respond to this Controller if
portamento is turned on.
6 Data Almost all SPS4 programs have this Controller assigned to
lter frequency or brightness.
7 Volume MIDI Volume
8 Balance MIDI Balance
9 MIDI 09 MIDI Controller 9
10 Pan MIDI Pan
11 Express MIDI Expression—Default assignment for CC Pedal 1—In
most programs it acts as a volume control. It scales between 0
and the current value of Volume.
12 MIDI 12 MIDI Controller 12
13 MIDI 13
14 MIDI 14 Default destination for Control Knob Function 1 (Timbre)
15 MIDI 15 Default destination for Control Knob Function 2 (Mod)
16 Ctl A Default destination for Control Knob Function 3 (Envelope)
17 Ctl B Default destination for Control Knob Function 4 (Effect)
18 Ctl C Default destination for Control Knob Function 5 (Reverb)
19 Ctl D