
Edit Setup Mode
The Zone-specic Parameters
20–31 MIDI 20–31 MIDI Controllers 20–31
32 MIDI Bank MIDI Bank change message
33–63 MIDI 33–63 MIDI Controllers 33–63
64 Sustain Default destination for Footswitch 1
65 MIDI 65
66 Sostenut Default destination for Footswitch 2—sustains notes that are
currently down, but not notes played subsequently.
67 Soft Lowers the volume by a preset amount and may soften the
timbre as well.
68 Legato Forces mono playback.
69 Freeze Envelopes freeze at current state.
70–79 MIDI 70–79 MIDI Controllers 70–79
80–83 MIDI 80–83 MIDI Controllers 80–83
84 Portamen Standard MIDI controller for setting Portamento starting note
85–90 MIDI 85–90 MIDI Controllers 85–90
91 GM Reverb Reverb send level
92 MIDI 92 MIDI Controller 92
93 GM Chorus Chorus send level
94–95 MIDI 94–95 MIDI Controllers 94–95
96 Data Inc Equivalent to pressing the Next Value button
97 Data Dec Equivalent to pressing the Previous Value button
98 NRegParL Non–Registered Parameter Least Signicant Byte
99 NRegParM Non–Registered Parameter Most Signicant Byte
100 RegParL Registered Parameter Least Signicant Byte
101 RegParM Registered Parameter Most Signicant Byte
102–119 MIDI 102–119 MIDI Controllers 102–119
120 Sound Off Stops all sound in the corresponding channel.
121 RstCtls Resets Controllers to defaults in the corresponding channel.
122 Local
123 Notes Off Sends Note Off Message to all playing notes in the corre-
sponding channel.
124 Poly
125 Omni
126 Mono On
127 Mono Off
128 Pitch Values above 64 and below 64 bend the pitch up and down,
129 PitchRev Values above 64 and below 64 bend the pitch down and up,
130 PitchUp Values above 0 bend the pitch up
131 PitchDwn Values above 0 bend the pitch down
132 Pressure Pressure
133 Tempo Tempo
134 KeyNum Triggers playback of notes by Key Number—e.g., C4 is 60.
Send a velocity rst with Destination135, KeyVel.