
Edit Setup Mode
The Zone-specic Parameters
The Foot Switch Parameters
There are four parameters that affect the behavior of the Foot Switch controller:
The Destination parameter determines the MIDI destination for the currently selected
controller in the currently selected Zone. For a list of the MIDI destinations and their
descriptions, see Destination on page 8-10.
The Mode parameter determines the switching action of the Foot Switch. You can set this
parameter either of two settings:
Momentary A momentary switch is one that is only in the “on”
state when it is pressed. As soon as you release the
switch, it goes into the “off ” state.
Toggled A toggled switch is one that maintains its state after
it is pressed. So, if the switch is currently in the
“off ” state, pressing it once will put it in the “on”
state. Pressing it again will put it back in the “off
Pressing both Value buttons simultaneously will set this parameter to Toggled.
Entry State
The Entry State parameter determines the state of the Foot Switch that is sent as a MIDI
message when the current Setup is loaded. You can set this parameter to None, On, or Off.
Pressing both Value buttons simultaneously will set this parameter to None.
If Entry State is set to None, then when you load the current Setup, the Foot Switch will be
at whatever value corresponds to its current position. If you specify an Entry State, then a
MIDI controller message with this value will be sent when you load the current Setup.
Exit State
The Exit State parameter determines the state of the Foot Switch that is sent as a MIDI
message when the current Setup is exited. You can set this parameter to None, On, or Off.
Pressing both Value buttons simultaneously will set this parameter to None.
If Exit State is set to None, then when you close the current Setup, the Foot Switch will be
at whatever value corresponds to its current position. If you specify an Exit State, then a
MIDI controller message with this value will be sent when you close the current Setup.