
Edit Setup Mode
About Auxiliary Effects
About Auxiliary Effects
Programs and Setups both have an auxiliary effect. An auxiliary effect is an effect that is not
in the direct path of the sound, but rather, it “receives” the sound, and then outputs effect-
altered sound, which is mixed back with the original sound. The following diagram illustrates
the signal path of a sound through the auxiliary effect:
Common Parameters
In addition to the Zone-specific parameters described above, a Setup has two parameters
common to all of its Zones. These two parameters determine the auxiliary effect of the
Aux Effect Override
The Aux Effect Override parameter determines whether or not the auxiliary effect of the
Setup is overridden with another effect. You can set this parameter to either Prog or to any
Chain Effect number between 0 and 999.
Setting this parameter to Prog results in the auxiliary effect of one of the Programs of
Setup being used—you specify which Program with the other common parameter Aux
Effect Channel, which is described below. Setting Aux Effect Override to any of the Effect
Chains allows you to select an auxiliary effect not present in any of the Programs being used
in the Setup. Either way, the same auxiliary effect is used for all of the Zones of the Setup.
(no FX)
Aux Send Level
(with FX)