
Global Mode
The Global Parameters
Local MIDI data is sent only to the SPS4 sound engine.
The MIDI OUT port is disabled.
MIDI MIDI data is sent only through the MIDI OUT port.
The sounds of the SPS4 are disabled.
Local+MIDI MIDI data is sent both to the SPS4 sound engine
and through the MIDI OUT port.
Select the desired destination depending on your needs. If you want to play the SPS4, but
not send any MIDI information to other MIDI instruments, then select Local. If you want
to use the SPS4 strictly as a MIDI controller for the other modules in your MIDI chain,
then select MIDI. If you want to make use of the SPS4’s sounds as well as use it as a MIDI
controller, then select Local+MIDI.
Pressing both Value buttons simultaneously will set this parameter to Local+MIDI.
Bank Select (BankSel)
The Bank Mode parameter determines the controller number with which MIDI Bank
change messages are transmitted. For MIDI Bank change messages, various manufacturers
have chosen different MIDI controller numbers. Most have chosen 0, 32, or both.
You can set this parameter to any of the following four controller IDs:
None MIDI Bank change messages are disabled.
Ctl0 MIDI Bank change messages are sent with controller
number 0.
Ctl32 MIDI Bank change messages are sent with controller
number 32.
Ctl0/32 MIDI Bank change messages are sent with both
controller numbers 0 and 32.
Pressing both Value buttons simultaneously will set this parameter to Ctl0/32.
Program Change (ProgChg)
The Program Change (ProgChg) parameter determines whether or not entry MIDI Program
Change messages are sent for Setups. You can set this parameter to either On or Off.
Pressing both Value buttons simultaneously will set this parameter to On.
Note that when you perform a MIDI Program Change through MIDI Program Change
Mode, the setting of the Global Program Change parameter (as well as the setting of the
Global MIDI Transmit parameter) is ignored.