
System Mode
Buttons in System Mode
Buttons in System Mode
The following buttons have the following functionalities in System Mode:
Previous Move to parent menu. Similar to a “cancel” button.
Next Make selection and move into sub-menu if any. Like
an “OK” button.
Chan / Param Up Move to “previous” menu option within a menu/
sub-menu or scroll up to read diagnostic or other
results/messages, when diagnostics are complete.
Chan / Param Down Move to “next” menu option, when in a menu or
scroll down to read diagnostic or other results/
messages, when diagnostics are complete.
Run SPS4
This is first option that System Mode offers. Pressing Next will load the OS and the SPS4
will start up as if you just switched on the unit (except for the “Loading...” message that
happens when you first start up the unit).
Update Software
This group of operations is used to install OS and Object updates from Kurzweil. The
Update files have an extension “KUF”, which is a compressed archive of all software
updates required for the system.
1. Obtain the Update file from the Kurzweil website or another reliable source, save it in a
known folder or directory your computer.
2. Connect the SPS4 (powered off) to your computer with a USB cord. Then enter System
Mode as specified on page 10-1. The SPS4 will appear as drive on your computer.
3. Press Chan / Param Down once. This will take you to the next option which is
“Update Software”. Press Next to select this group of operations. This will give you
with the option “Update”.
4. Press Next to start the Update operation. The displayed message will ask you to copy
the Update file to the SPS4 drive on your computer. Copy the file. Once copied, “Safely
Remove” or “Unmount” the removable disk/drive from your computer.