
Creating a Setups from a Program
To create this Split Setup follow these steps. Be careful not to exit any of the Split parameter
pages before the Split Setup is complete. If you do, then simply exit Program Mode and then
enter it again and start from step 1:
1. Enter Program Mode by pressing the Program Function button. Using the Value
buttons or Object Select buttons, choose the Program you want for the Primary Voice
of the Split. For our example, let’s choose Program 102 Rockin’ Lead.
2. Press the Split Function button. Doing this makes the SPS4 create a Setup with a two
active Zones split at middle-C. At this point, both Voices are identical (except for their
keyboard regions and MIDI transmit channels): they have the same Program, Volume,
and Transposition. The following figure illustrates our current Split Setup:
Note that as soon as we hit the Split Function button, the Save button illuminates. This
simply indicates that a change has been made. The Save button will be involved in the
final step of this process.
3. Let’s now change the Split Program. Recall that the Split Program determines the
Program for the Secondary Voice. At this point the display should read “Split Program:
102 Rockin’ Lead”. Use the Value buttons or Object Select buttons to choose a Program.
For our example, let’s choose Program 40 Classic Comp for the Split Program. The
following figure illustrates our current Split Setup:
A0 C8
102 Rockin’ Lead 102 Rockin’ Lead
A0 C8
102 Rockin’ Lead
40 Classic Comp