User's Manual

Lock: “LOCK” displayed and flashing
above the FAST/LOCK speed area
indicating locked target speed.
Fastest: “FAST” displayed above the
FAST/Lock speed area when fastest
mode (stationary or moving) is
Fork Test: Displays “FORK TEST” in the
message area when the unit is in
tuning fork test mode.
Km/h: Displays “Km/h” above the road
graphic area when the option for
units is set to km/h.
Road Graphic: These indicators show the mode of
operation of the active antenna. In
HOLD the mode of operation of both
antennas are shown.
Target Direction: There indicators above both target
speed areas to indicate the direction
of travel of the targets.
Microwave Freq: 24.125 GHz.
Beam Width: 12
Polarization: Linear.
Power Density: Less than 1 mW/cm
at aperture.
Source Power: 8 mW max.