User guide

1. Unpacking:
The tonearm with accessories is packed in one box. Before unpacking the individual parts of
the tonearm, make some space and check that your turntable has the right tonearm cutout.
Bearing base, tube base, headshell’s fingerlift PVC bottle with silicone oil, Allen keys: 1.5, 2,
and 3 mm, cartridge mounting hex screws M2.5 mm non magnetic, geometry protractor,
armbase, 9x hex screws )
Open the box carefully and remove the top covers.
For mounting on other turntables, armbase is required as optional spare part.
2. Basic set up:
For Stabi S turntables:
Tonearm pillar fits directly into brass part of a turntable.
Mount the armbase on the turntable. Be sure that you position the armbase so as to give
access to the Allen key for fixing arm into the armbase (towards the back of the turntable).
Also check, when mounting the arm on other turntables, that you allow enough clearance for
counterweights and correct position of the tube in relationship to the platter.
VTA arm tower:
Insert the VTA arm tower into the armbase. Ensure that the height is such, that the top of the
bearing shaft is at the same height as the record. Fix it with an Allen key. Also check that the
VTA adjustment is in the middle position, to allow fine VTA adjustment up and down 5 mm
each way.
With 1.5 mm Allen key, release the small ring which is on the fixing pillar below the VTA
arm tower. Now it will drop down and touch the armbase. Fix the ring again and release the
VTA arm tower. You now have the correct height but you can freely rotate the VTA arm
tower horizontally. Rotate it to such a position that the distance from the centre of the record
to the centre of the horizontal bearing is 291 mm. Now fix VTA arm tower.
Tube base:
Carefully lift the tube base with counterweights and cable which, (for transport only) is
fixed at the end of the tube. Position it gently onto the bearing shaft. The bearing pivot will
automatically fit into the bearing cup on top of the bearing shaft. With Allen key (1.5 mm),
release and then remove the metal holder and cable from the back of the tube and carefully
fix it on the outside of the bearing base. Rotate the cable in such a way that the wires rise