User's Guide

configuration by clicking on the tool icon in the section banner, assuming you are an
authorized user.
The LAN section displays the unit’s assigned IP address and the status of the Gigabit
Ethernet port. By hovering over the Ethernet port icon, detailed port status information is
displayed. The unit’s IP configuration can be changed by clicking on the tool icon in the
section banner.
The Device section displays and provides configuration capability for Device Location and
Device Description.
The LAN Peers section displays the names of all K60c units that are connected to the
current unit over a LAN connection. In most cases, these would be collocated units that
provide additional wireless connectivity from that location.
The Administration section displays the software and the hardware versions of the device
and includes controls to change user password, upgrade device software, flash device LEDs
for device identification, and to reboot the device.
12 Using the K60c Command Line Interface (CLI)
12.1 Requirements
The K60c CLI allows for direct configuration of both Hub and Remote units. To connect
using Command Line Interface from a Linux, Unix or MAC computer terminal window type
ssh kwikbit@KB-XX-XX-XX.local where KB-XX-XX-XX is the Host name of the unit that
appears on the label on the side of the unit. For example, if the unit Host name is
KB-C5-6B-78, then the command line is ssh kwikbit@KB-C5-6B-78.local. For the password
prompt enter kwikbit. You should receive a command prompt
12.2 K60c CLI commands
The K60c CLI provides device status as well as configuration options commands.
At the prompt type “?” for the list of commands and their operation.
13 System Provisioning
Network planning, installation procedure and commissioning are most efficiently
performed using the Kwikbit Edge Controller. In addition, the Edge Controller enables
centralized network operation view and management. Please see the Kwikbit Edge
Controller User Guide for detailed information.
Kwikbit K60c User Guide - 21 -
K60c User Guide