User Manual

Operation Principle
1. Controller Side Radio
The radio system is mainly composed of three parts: radio modem, frequency
synthesizer and baseband microprocessor. The radio modem is a MSK modem running at
250 kbps. The antenna is an embedded PCB antenna matching is done by using lumped
inductors and capacitors.
The microcontroller scans keystrokes on the joypadthen packs the data by adding
preambles, frame information, and error checking bytes. The radio system uses one of 80
channels (the frequency range is 2410-2474.80GHz) to send signal in random, and the
channels change frequency is 62.5HZ per second. Otherwise, there are 4 synchronous
channels (distribute in the 80 channels uniformity).
The joypad radio is powered by 3-AAside batteries and regulated to 3.3V. The power
consumption of RF module is about 4mA, the total power consumption of the joypad side
radio system is about 8mA in normal working mode. It will enter sleep mode if no key be
pressed after 2 minutes, in this mode the total power consumption of joypad is only about
from 20uA to 40uA*.
2. Station Side Radio
The Station side radio will always receives un-packs, and it also sends RF signal at
intervals, and sends the data to the playstation2 Console.
The Station side radio system will enters receive modem after being powered on If any
responses-packets be received, and then, the Station side radio system will send the
joypad’s responses, This is search mode. After then the Station side radio system enters
the normal working mode. if the station side radio system loses synchronization, it will
enter search mode.
The Station side radio system is powered by console(3.3V), power consumption is
about 20 mA in normal working mode.