User's Manual

This document is the property of KYMATI GmbH and must not be copied or disclosed without its written authorisation.
© - KYMATI GmbH 2020
KY.MAN.0105 (4.0) KY-LOC 1D.02.01 User Manual
Doc.- No.: KY.MAN.0105
Version: 4.0
Date: 17.05.2021
Page: 12 of 43
2.7 Copyright
This manual and all included documents are subject to copyright by KYMATI GmbH. All rights
It is not allowed to duplicate and/or transfer them (or parts of it) to a third party, to pass them
on or to make use of their content. To do so, the explicit permission of KYMATI GmbH is
required. Infringements may be punished and will lead to compensation. Information and
figures in this document are subject to change without notice.
2.8 End of Life WEEE Statement
WEEE Disposal Instructions
In accordance with the European Union WEEE directive 2002/96/EC, KYMATI will arrange for
the collection and treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) put on the
EU market after 13 August 2005 at no expense to the customer.
Equipment falling into this scope are marked with the KYMATI company label and name and
with the “crossed-out wheelie bin” label. This label on the product or its packaging indicates
that this product must not be disposed of with household waste. Instead, it is the user’s
responsibility to return it to KYMATI GmbH for proper disposal following current national
regulatory requirements.
Figure 2: Crossed-Out Wheelie Bin
WEEE collection by KYMATI GmbH
The process for collection of WEEE from a European location may be subject to change
between the time when a customer purchases our product, and years later when they
ultimately decide to dispose of it. The current process will be available from the KYMATI GmbH
on written request.
Please take note that the KYMATI GmbH Company will refuse collection of WEEE, which has
been used in a particularly hazardous environment, such as nuclear or subsequently been
contaminated or polluted with hazardous substances such as propulsion fluids, oil, etc.
KYMATI GmbH company products are provided through business-to-business activities only.
Those consumers who have obtained KYMATI GmbH products through other sources should
return those products to their vendor.
KYMATI’s WEEE registration number is "KYMATI GmbH DE 16389341"
Information for WEEE disposal by user
This equipment does not require any special dismantling instructions, hence there is nothing
listed in this manual. The equipment also does not contain any dangerous substances and