User's Manual

This document is the property of KYMATI GmbH and must not be copied or disclosed without its written authorisation.
© - KYMATI GmbH 2020
KY.MAN.0105 (4.0) KY-LOC 1D.02.01 User Manual
Doc.- No.: KY.MAN.0105
Version: 4.0
Date: 17.05.2021
Page: 22 of 43
Power LED (4)
If power is connected to the device this LED will illuminate. If this LED does not
illuminate check the power connection (see Section 5.2)
Status LED (5)
The status LED indicates the following operation modes:
Device is not powered
System ready
Upper (6), left (7), bottom (8), right (9) LEDs
These LEDs indicate the following operation modes:
Device is not powered
Trying to synchronize
Constant Illumination
Radar provides range measurements, i.e.
radars are synchronized
In future these LEDs may be used to support the installation.
4.7 Warranty Seal & Product Label
Each unit is labelled with a warranty seal. If the seal is damaged or broken
the warranty is void.
Figure 14: KY-LOC 1D.02.01 Warranty Seal
The Product label is permanently attached to the left side of the device and indicates the
PMN, HIV; Serial Number,