User's Manual

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© - KYMATI GmbH 2020
KY.MAN.0105 (4.0) KY-LOC 1D.02.01 User Manual
Doc.- No.: KY.MAN.0105
Version: 4.0
Date: 17.05.2021
Page: 28 of 43
6.3 Initial Configuration
The devices must be configured during initial setup and the parameters must be configured
through the communication interface. To configure the device the Ethernet or the RS-485
interface can be used. How to connect to the device is described above.
It is only possible to configure the devices via the RS-485 or the Ethernet
Interface. So, both devices must be connected to configure them. This can be
done before installation.
Each device should first be configured with a valid Ethernet configuration with a reachable
destination target (for example the controlling host) or a valid RS-485 Bus Identifier. See the
“Communication Setup” Message in Chapter 7. Please note that this approach can also be
used to recover a device in case of misconfiguration through the use of a Product ID and the
Serial Number (S/N) which both can be found on the Product label on the side of the device.
Once the communication setup has been done, it is recommended to download the
configuration and store it. This configuration can be used in case of a replacement of the device
to bring settings fast to a new device or to copy the configuration to another system. All
configurable parameters are described in Chapter 7.
6.4 Connect to the System
After the sensors are powered, the KY-LOC 1D.02.01 will start automatically. The Relay will
start sending out a signal and the Remote tries to synchronize to that signal. This can take up
to 120 seconds. If the devices are synchronized, they start measuring the distance. The
distance can be read out via one of the interfaces described in chapter 7.
6.5 Running the System
The KY-LOC 1D.02.01 is working correct when the status LED is illuminating constantly. The
device is equipped with a power LED. This LED is the indicator that power is available at the
device. Normally the LED glows continuously. When the information LEDs are illuminating
constantly then valid range information is available.
6.6 First Run
Before using the system, a reference measurement should be recorded. Therefore, the system
should be running from the minimal distance to the maximum possible distance and the range
and SNR values should be recorded during the movement. Afterwards the Zero Point should
be set. Therefore, the device carrying the moving sensor should drive to the position were the
zero of the measurement should be. At this position, the zero command should be executed.
6.7 Turning off the System
To turn the KY-LOC 1D.02.01 off, switch off the power supply. The status LED and power LED
will turn off. After unintended power cycle, the system will be automatically restart.