
FAX Operation (Advanced)
File Name Registration
You can set the file name to be created when forwarding. You can append information such as the date/time
and the job number or fax number (address for an i-FAX).
1 Follow steps 1 to 3 of Using Requirements for All
Receptions on page 4-20.
Follow steps 1 to 3 of Using Rule for Specific RX on
page 4-22.
2 Select the requirement and press [Detail].
3 Press [Change] of File Name.
4 Press [File Name].
5 Enter the file name and press [OK].
6 To insert additional information into the file name,
press [Job No.], [Date and Time], [Add No./Addr to
Front] or [Add No./Addr to Back].
NOTE: For details on character entry, refer to
Character Entry Method on page 2 of the Appendix.
Please note that when you have not add any additional
information, file names become the same, and,
therefore, old files are overwritten when received
originals are forwarded with folder (SMB) transmission
and folder (FTP) transmission.
7 Press [OK].