Install Manual Part 3

Installation Manual
Rev. C
16. From each test point (see step 13):
a. Position the TT391 Patch Antenna facing the SKYWATCH aircraft under test.
b. Set the TT391 POWER switch to the ON position.
c. Verify that the display shows, in the direction (± 30 degrees) of the TT391, two targets; a Traffic
Advisory (i.e., a solid circle) at ¼ nm and Other Traffic (i.e., open diamond ) at 4.5 nm. Both
targets will be displayed in level flight at own aircraft altitude (i.e., "00" displayed above the
traffic symbol).
1. If the display reflects a gross error in target bearing, check the directional
antenna cables at TRC connectors J9 (sum port) and J11 (difference port).
They may be reversed. A further indication of this condition would be a
target that moved in a counter-clockwise direction when the TT391 is
moved in a clockwise direction.
2. Multiple targets or a faulty bearing may result from multipath distortion
(see step 1).
3. During these tests, the SKY497 may detect and display other active
4. To obtain a better line of sight, it may be necessary to elevate the patch
d. Set the TT391 POWER switch to the OFF. Repeat procedure from each test point. Step 16 can
be done from the last test point.
To prevent SKYWATCH from tracking the movement of the test-set, it is
necessary to set the TT391 POWER switch to OFF after completing each
bearing measurement.
17. Return the TT391 assemblies to their position in the aluminum carrying case.
18. Restart SKYWATCH by cycling power OFF and then ON.
19. Connect an oscilloscope to the suppression bus and verify that the SKY497 suppression pulse (100 µs
±5 µs) exceeds +15 Vdc. If less than +15 Vdc, the suppression bus is overloaded. Check all equipment
connected to the bus. Repair/replace the offending device.
20. This completes the post installation checkout procedure.