User's Manual
Frames Received with CRC Error –shows the number of frames received with
CRC errors.
Frames Dropped Due To Out-of-Resource–shows the number of frames
dropped due to resource issue.
Duplication Frames Received–show the number of duplicate frames received.
Reset Counter–Click this button to reset all Receive statistics.
This Tab contains settings for WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia), which provide basic QoS
(Quality of Service) for 802.11 networks. WMM prioritize traffic base on four
Access Categories (AC): Voice, Video, best effort and background. WMM doesn’t
guarantee throughput for ACs and can be used for VOIP applications. To use
WMM functions WMM must be also supported by AP.
WMM Setup Status–Status of WMM option: Disabled or Enabled.
WMM Enable–Enable Wi-Fi Multi-Media.
WMMPower Save Enable– Enable WMM Power Save and select ACs: AC_BK
(background), AC_BE (best effort), AC_VI (Video), AC_VO (Voice).
Direct Link Setup Enable–Enable DLS (Direct Link Setup).
MAC address–MAC Address of remote STA (must conform to two conditions:
connect with the same AP that support DLS features and have to enable DLS).
Timeout Value–represents that it disconnects automatically after some seconds.
The value is integer. The integer must be between 0~65535. It represents that it
always connects if the value is zero. Default value of Timeout Value is 60