User Manual

NovaRoam EH900 User Manual
V. 1.1
Page 64
A third option is Multihop mode. In Multihop mode, all packets originating from the
NovaRoam are designated as multihop packets. Any NovaRoam receiving a
multihop packet will automatically repeat the packet. Multihop mode can be used
in conjunction with other routing modes.
Using Static Routes
Figure 38 is an example of a point-to-point NovaRoam network. In this example, Subnet 1
has been assigned the Class C subnet, while Subnet 2 has been assigned
the Class C subnet. For the wireless network the Class C subnet
has been assigned.
Figure 38: Example wireless network using NovaRoams with static routes
In order to route traffic between subnets, several things must happen. First, it is
recommended that all hosts on a given subnet use the attached NovaRoam as
their default gateway. As an alternative, manual routes can be entered within
each host’s routing table. Hosts from Subnet 1 will list as their default