User Manual

Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Rev. 06
Mar . 16/11
Page 1--23 ROT - Rate of Turn
The rate of turn value is only used if the talker identifier is “TI”. Otherwise the value
will only be used to determine if the vessel is “Moving Right” or “Moving Left”.
Field Notes
Rate of Turn Used when status is A”. If Talker
is “TI”, value is converted ascending
to 1371 msg 1, 2, 3 spec. If talker is not
“TI”, value is set to - 127, 0, or + 127,
based on ROT value.
Status Must be A” VBW - Dual Ground / Water Speed
The current position source must be external GPS, and heading must be available
for the transponder to accept this sentence.
Field Notes
Longitudinal Water Speed Ignored
Transverse Water Speed Ignored
Status: Water Speed Ignored
Longitudinal Ground Speed Used if Status is set to “A”
Transverse Ground Speed Used if Status is set to “A“
Status: Ground Speed Used
Stern Transverse Water Speed Ignored
Status Stern Water Speed Ignored
Stern Transverse Ground Speed Ignored
Status Stern Ground Speed Ignored VTG - Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
Field Notes
GOG, degrees True (2 fields) Used
COG, degrees Magnetic (2 fields) Ignored
SOG, knots (2 fields) Used
SOG, km/h (2 fields) Ignored
Mode Indicator Used