User Manual

Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Rev. 06
Mar . 16/11
Page 2--5
Directional ARROW Keys
Used to navigate between data entry fields on a data entry form and
scroll right/left and up/down in an alphanumeric displa y field. When in
the NAV (default) screen, the Left or Right arrow keys will allow the user
to toggle between the Ship Name display and the MMSI screen. (The
MMSI screen will always be displayed for a vessel if the ship name is
not known.) The directional arrow keys can also be used to toggle
between Vessel Info page 1 and Vessel Info page 2.
FNC Function Key
Used as the initial key in a key sequence to access the various secon-
dary functions of the interface.
CAN Cancel Key
Used to cancel any edit made in a data entry field and revert data back
to preexisting data.
MSG Message Key
Used to access the text messaging window, in order to send Safety Text
ESC Escape Key
Will bring user up one level on the menu system.
The blue text above some of the keys identify the secondary definitions for each
button. These secondary definitions are activated by pressing of the FNC button in a
key sequence.
SETUP Enters the AIS Main System Menu menu system.
HOME Returns cursor to start position in a data entry field
END Moves cursor to last position in a data entry field
ALL System Information Menu
The alphanumeric keypad is used to enter both numbers and le tters. When alphanu-
meric text entry is expected, the nonnumerical options are pre sented before the nu-
meric value of the key. For example, the number 2 key provides for entry of A, B,
and C. When the cursor is positioned in a display field location that expects an al-
phanumeric character, the first press of the 2 key will result in the display of an A.
Another press (in less than one second) will cause a B to be displayed. The next
press shows a C, while the fourth press shows a 2. The number 1 key provides for
entry of special symbols.